Thu 02 Jan
▬▬▬$60▬▬▬ NEW THERAPIST ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Best▬▬ Choice▬▬ Spa ▬▬ Sexy Asian Playmates ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 22
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma city , Moore★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★)
MY P.u. ..s. S.. Y █ (( $8Ohh SPLS )) █ GETS WETTER THAN HERS!!
(405fway costa mesa s costa plaza)
$99 Kinky Sexy Mouth Watering Latin Goddess Has A $99 Special !! 267-625-0169 ***** - 22
(anaheim and surrounding areas)
🔵🔵🔵█▄███▄█ 🎱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬💜🔴 Experience the real VIP treatment 🔴💜▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬🎱 █▄███▄█ 🔵🔵🔵 - 30
(Okaloosa, 30A,Destin,Okalossa Island,Ft Walton)
👄JUICY tips😜TIGHT Sensual GRIPS💦HOT fun on the FLIP😃Let Succulent BUSTY BLONDE between Your HIPS😜 - 27
💋😘 65$SpEciALs!!!😘💋 NEW!!! IN/OUT Available now! NEW!!! DIsCReET LoCAtION!!! - 26
(Destin, Okaloosa)
$75 NEW PRettY~ TiGHT* SweeT* sHAved * & eDible CHOCOLATE treat!! BRAND NEW TO O.C.!LOOK! REAL PICS - 21
🍒home finally 🍒BeauTy 🍒don't miss me 🍒100% real pictures 🍒 willing to prove it🍒 8508516297 - 26
(Okaloosa, pab navarre fwb destin santa rosa 30A)
**!!** 80 /// 30MIN **!!** A WilD & SexY MixeD GoddesS *** ReadY FoR SomE FuN !**!!**!! - 21
(Anaheim(IN/OUT CALLS))
🎉Saturday Night Specials (8pm-3am)🎉 With a😘🎀 sexy, Thick, Jamaican beauty🎀😍!💕 - 22
(Incall and outcall available, Ogden)
80 HaLF-TiME specials WItH SWEET blonde sex addict . in calls 405 fwy - 26
(Orange.county''my place'')
[7Osp] [12Ohour] ( visiting ) Enter My [===== > C@RmEL CiTY < ======] Available Now!! - 19
(Disney Way I-5 freeway Anaheim)
**❤* Real photos!! - Real Ladies!!! ~ Real Service!! ~ Real Fun!!! What are you waiting for?!**❤*** - 18
(Salt Lake City, your place)
Great Reviews!💋💄🔥PeTiTe LATINA🔥 😘💋 #1 FAVORITE!! 😘💋COME SEE WHY!💋💞 weekend special - 27
(Ogden, incall and outcall)
* * * * * 5 STAR GFE!!!! COsTa RiCaN Sweetie Pie READY TO PLEASE YOU iN EveRy WaY!!!! * * * * * - 21
💋$60 SPECIAL 💋 Big BoOty💕💕100% ReAl✔️EBONY💕(OPEN MINDED👀) Hot💎up till 10am - 19
(Anaheim, outcalls anywhere 405/710/91/605/105)
😋💃😋 Call for PHONE SEX with HORNY GIRLS 📞 1-800-Jet-Doll 📞 😋💃😋 - 22
(Abilene, Amarillo, El Paso, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa, PHONE SEX)
2-HOT-4 Clothes Strip & Assume Position 4 Ultimate LATINA or ASIAN Experience ~ ONLY $35ea - 20
_-* SoFt TouCh *-_BriGhT SmiLe-_*Lasting _ ReLaXaTiOn* -_Lets HavE FuNN*-_!! oil MasSaGeZ* - 22
(Midland / Odessa)
Stacy LEE ,is in the city, and i promise you will like me...out calls also,not fake - 21
(Midland / Odessa, ODDESA -ODDESA)
2 HOT 4 Clothes ~ Strip & Assume Position 4 Ultimate 4 Hand Experience by HOTTIES ~ONLY $35 ea - 20
[][][] 1OO Special NOW ____________ Nice JUICY booty __________ Thick LEGS ________ 1OO special NOW - 22
(santa ana)
🔥🐣🐤🐥 ⓗⓞⓣⓣ - ⓒⓗⓘⓒⓚ 🐣🐤🐥🔥 sTePhAnIe 🔥🐣🐤🐥 100% ME (Why FAKE something Sooo Goood???) ✨ - 27
(Midland / Odessa, odessa)
★OuTC@lL♥*:•.★• EverY BoY's WiSh★★• EverY HuSbAnD's SeCReT★★• EverY MaN's FaNt@sY Special$★ ¸.•'´- - 22
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa Incall outcall everywhere)
LeT Me B *YuR *ChOcOlaTe DrOP**HaVe Me YuR WaYy!!!! Call NoW;) - 25
(Midland / Odessa, B Springs/ pecos & surrounding)
✔️💜 LiMiTED TiME ONLY 💲 📞 🔜 ,🔝NoTcH PrOViDeR , BaNGiN ✔️ buStY BoMbSHeLL 💜💲✔️ ToTaL PaCKaGe 💜💲 TNA ✔️ - 24
(Midland / Odessa, Midland)
♥• HoUsE Of PLeAsUrE! ★PuRe SaTiSfAcTiOn!! ☆ && SoSoSo HoT!❤ *BELLA BABY* - 29
(Midland / Odessa, IN/OUT CALL'S { IN/CALL SPECIAL'S ONLY })
I'm Back!!!! Blue Eyed Barbie👄👄 Here for a limited amount of time📞 Call me NOW I'm ready!!! - 23
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa)
🐞IM BACK Just.arrived ♥αvαiℓabℓε ➜➋➍/➆ 💋 №➊ 【* BoMbShEll*】 ♥🐞【aMaZiNg [+$+] *SpEciAls[✓】🐇 - 22
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa/Midland Areas)
im just what the doctor ordered!!!! *specials* dont miss out - 25
(Midland / Odessa, odessa/midland)
~*•°•*~ HANDS DOWN * I'M ThE BeSt ThErApISt * ArOuNd * MY BODY * Is YoUr PLAY GROUND!! ~*•°•*~ - 28
ExoTic LaTina*** All Day & nIght SpecialS *** Im The One*** Call mE!!! Si habla Espanol - 24
(Midland / Odessa, odessa kermit andrew Pecos Monahans Call)
💦💋Getaway Exotic Funday India😘 & im here to satisfy ALL YOUR NEEDS! Mixedbreed BEAUTY432-547-9231 - 23
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa, Tx)
Ebony L♥vers' #1 Pick ⎷ ⎛ F L A W L E s S ☆ . •* &; . •BeAuTy - 19
(Midland / Odessa, odessa/midland)
♥ $$Stacy Mo'ney$$ The Sexy Chocolate Angel Is Here 100% REAL Pics Or It's FREE!! ♥ - 20
(Midland / Odessa, Business 20)
ARRIVING BIG SPRING Nov 18 / MATURE TEXAS Woman, u & me we can be Gasoline & Matches EXPLOSIVE - 52
Catch me if you can ❗️🔋🐰 (¯`°ENERGIZER BUNNY°´¯)🐰🔋ELITE MODEL type companion🐰🔋NEVER a BAIT n Switch❗️ - 26
(Midland / Odessa, 💢Available in Midland JUNE 24-29! 💢)
AZ GoOd AZ It GEtZ**Up AllNiGhT!!CaLl NoW!! NeW PIx - 25
(Midland / Odessa, midland odessa/ surroundinG AreaS)
👑👑👄👅💋 👑👑 SWEET 💖 IN°· ALL ·° THE 💙 RIGHT 💗 PLACES 💚 💰💲100 Special💲💰 - 22
(Midland / Odessa, odessa incall)
I Am Booking For This Week & Next --- YES I Am Really This HOT!! - 27
(SW Ocala, Florida & Light Travel)
Nicolette, new to town,I love lingerie,thigh highs & high heels, do you? - 37
(Northwest Georgia, Chattanooga)
NAUGHTY IS NICE 120 SPECIAL! Lingerie Thigh Highs & Stilettos! - 37
(Northwest Georgia, NW Georgia /Chattanooga State line area)
💋 Outcall Only 💋 It's the began of the week 💋 Start your week off right 💋 Specials all Night 💋 - 38
(Northwest Georgia, Cartersville, Dalton, Cherokee, Rome)
:-):-):-):-) :-):-)New week,new fun, lets play :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)hot italiana available now - 26
(Northwest Connecticut, Danbury bethel)
the Ultimate Companionship Experience - In Call - Out Call - 35
(Northwest Connecticut, Out Call & In Call)
***NORTH MAIN STREET SPA*** ~Hot Steam Room~ Free Table Shower~Full Body Rubs~ R ~ E ~ L ~ A ~ X ~~~ - 25
(Eastern Connecticut, Hartford, New Haven, Northwest Connecticut, 1185 NORTH MAIN STREET,PROVIDENCE RI)
💦💋New To Norwalk!! Thick and juicy💦💋💦💋 Call Now HH Special Limited🚫 Don't Miss Out💋💋🌹😍 - 21
(Eastern Connecticut, Incalls in Norwalk!!, Northwest Connecticut)
NEW!!! ❤️💋Mixed Beauty💋❤️ SeXy GreenEyed ViXen100% Real Pics & Real Skillz!!! CALL NOW!!! - 26
(Northwest Connecticut, ♥Stamford incalls❤️)
NeW°☆° FreAkY ★SeXy,,, BLonDE ☆ BRiNGiNG •★• YOU ☆ ULTiMAtE •★• PLEASURE•★• SpeCiAls - 20
(Northwest Connecticut, INCALLS danbury)
Sexy and Friendly Italian Entertainer who is Fun to be with - 25
(Bridgeport, CT., Eastern Connecticut, Hartford, New Haven, Northwest Connecticut)
Stunning Beauty * Bomb Shell * Best Companion - 29
(Northwest Connecticut, Stamford & surrounding Area's)
🍸🍸 Full Body Massage With TLC 🍸 ❤ Sexy & Petite ❤ Private/Safe ❤❤203-441-1469 - 35
(Incalls/Outcalls Connecticut, Northwest Connecticut)
*¨¨* SATISFACTION *¨¨*IS*¨¨*. MY *¨¨* BEST. *¨¨* QUALITY! *¨¨* GUARANTEED - 21
SEXII and TaLenTed••$80 SHORT STAY $$pecial$ AMAZING SKILLS ---yoUR FavoRite Girl ---available NOW - 25
(Northern Virginia, centerville 80 120hh 200hr)
SEXII and TaLenTed••$60 mind spinning AMAZING SKILLS {{100% CaLI'S THICKESS}} ♥ •☆• • ♥ • EYECANdy - 25
(Northern Virginia, woodbridge 80/120/200)